Templates in CPP

Templates in CPP

Templates are an important feature of C++ that allow developers to create generic code that can work with multiple data types. They provide a way to write code that is reusable, flexible, and efficient.

In this blog, we will discuss what templates are, how to define and use them, and some best practices for using templates in C++.

What are templates?

Templates are a way to create functions and classes that can work with different data types. They are essentially a blueprint or a pattern that can be used to generate code for different data types at compile-time.

Templates are defined using a special syntax that allows for a placeholder for a data type. This placeholder is called a template parameter, and it can be used to define the function or class in terms of the type that will be used later.

Defining templates

To define a function template in C++, we use the keyword template followed by the template parameter list, which is enclosed in angle brackets (<>). For example, here is a template function that can be used to find the maximum of two values of any type:

cssCopy codetemplate <typename T>
T max(T a, T b) {
    return (a > b) ? a : b;

In this example, the template parameter T is used to define the type of the function arguments and return value. The function can be used with any type that supports the > operator, such as int, float, or even custom types that have overloaded the > operator.

To use the function, we simply call it with the desired data types:

cCopy codeint a = 5, b = 10;
float c = 3.14, d = 2.71;

cout << max(a, b) << endl; // Output: 10
cout << max(c, d) << endl; // Output: 3.14

Defining template classes

Templates can also be used to define generic classes that can work with different data types. To define a template class, we use the same syntax as for function templates, but with the class keyword:

arduinoCopy codetemplate <typename T>
class Stack {
    T* data;
    int top;
    Stack() {
        data = new T[10];
        top = -1;
    void push(T item) {
        data[++top] = item;
    T pop() {
        return data[top--];

In this example, we define a Stack class that can work with any data type. The template parameter T is used to define the type of the data that the stack will hold.

To use the Stack class, we simply declare an instance of the class with the desired data type:

cCopy codeStack<int> intStack;
cout << intStack.pop() << endl; // Output: 2

Stack<string> stringStack;
cout << stringStack.pop() << endl; // Output: world

Best practices for using templates

When using templates in C++, there are some best practices that can help to ensure that your code is efficient, flexible, and easy to understand.

Firstly, it's important to keep the interface of your template functions and classes as simple as possible. This can help to reduce the amount of code that is generated at compile-time, and make it easier to use the templates in different contexts.

Secondly, it's a good idea to use specialized implementations of your template functions and classes for specific data types. This can help to optimize the performance of your code and reduce the amount of memory that is used